Bay Area Radio Drama: Overview | Project Archive | Photos | Ensemble| Links

Early Ampex reel-to-reel
Early Ampex reel-to-reel
When the Black Mass began broadcasting in the early sixties, among the many responses were those from actors, writers and theatre people offering to take part, voluntarily, in whatever way. Pat Franklyn in particular, from BBC and South African Radio and Bernard Mayes, also BBC, were performers and unique talents. Others, from the theatre community of the Bay Area followed. They found immediate place in the Black Mass series and with other original scripts for radio drama contributed to many new works. John Whiting designed the sound and technical production for a wide variety of original drama. His current web site contains a sampling of his interviews and other production work.
Listed is a short selection indicating the variety of work produced during that period.
Roman Fever | Edith Wharton |
Candaules Commissioner | Daniel Gerould |
Middlesex Mummery | Girmaine Firth |
Scrap | F.W. Willits |
Monologue for Ruth Draper | Henry James |
The Beast in the Jungle | Henry James |
Before Breakfast | Eugene O’ Neill |
The Sin of Jesus | Isaac Babel |
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