Comacchio is a town on the coast of Emilia-Romagna, Italy. The Harland family drove along the road that borders the canal. They passed a little bridge, possibly the one seen on the postcard, where there stood an aged woman, watching.
Post card: courtesy and regards to our colleague Everett Frost, who was just passing through.
by Gunter Eich
Translated by: Robert Goss
Technical Production: by Danny Kopelson (Fantasy Studios)
Directed & Produced by: Erik Bauersfeld
Ellen Harland & Carmilla:
Winefred Mann | |
John Harland:
Moran Upton | |
Lorri Holt | |
The Old Mother:
Shirley Jac-Wagner | |
The Father:
Robert Haswell | |
Rick Cimino | |
Tony Amondola | |
Mark Rousseau |
Gunter Eich is the most famous of all German writers for radio. His work remained more traditional than the Neue Hörspiel, but his style is poetic, full of themes and imagery that derive largely from German romanticism. He explores lost identities, between people, between words and their external correlatives, between the living and the dead. In The Other and I, an American family touring Europe have detoured on a hot Sunday afternoon to swim at a resort on the north Italian coast. On the way they pass a desolate fishing village. An old woman stands at the foot of a bridge watching them pass. Ellen, the mother, sees her and later is drawn back, away from her family to find her. When she does she enters a world and a life from which there is no escape.
Length: 60:00
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