Bay Area Radio Drama: Overview | Project Archive | Photos | Ensemble| Links

Early Ampex reel-to-reel
Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s favorite portrait as he appears on the cover of his volume Open Eye, Open Heart. New Directions, 1973. Photo by Ilka Hartman
FERLINGHETTI: Open Eye, Open Mind 1994 – 2007
A series of three hour-long programs featuring San Francisco’s first poet laureate, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, in collaboration with Jim McKee of Earwax Productions, Maria Gilardin producer of TUC Radio and Erik Bauersfeld, Director of Bay Area Radio Drama. The project was funded by the Creative Work Fund of San Francisco. Read more . .
Episode I: Seas and Shores | |
Episode II: Bixby Canyon |
Episode III: San Francisco | |
BARD Content:
Overview |. Archive. |. Photos |. Ensemble. |. Links