Bay Area Radio Drama: Overview | Project Archive | Photos | Ensemble| Links

THE BLACK MASS 1963 – 1970
Erik Bauersfeld introduction:
“This was the first series of radio dramas I produced for KPFA, Pacifica’s radio station in Berkeley and it’s associated stations in Los Angeles and New York City. It followed several years of apprenticeship, recording and editing my readings & dramas, which continued for several years after I became Director of the Drama & Literature Department. John Whiting, production Director for the station worked with me during those years and wrote a consummate account of our production partnership, which is printed below. He was the dramaturge for the series, selecting many of the authors and was already experienced in producing dramatic presentations at the station before I came along. So it was a lucky collaboration for me in pursuit of my return after so many years, to a first ambition, making radio drama.” Read more…
BARD Content:
Overview |. Archive. |. Photos |. Ensemble. |. Links