
Once Was Water
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Although not generally known for its environment concerns, Las Vegas has turned itself into a hub for new and innovative water technology and conservation. Every drop of water is watched, measured, and monitored acoustically to detect leaks...

Journeys Beyond the Cosmodrome
MILL VALLEY, CALIFORNIA Artist, filmmaker and educator Jeanne Finley premiered her latest experimental documentary Journey Beyond the Cosmodrome at Mill Valley Film Festival this October in San Rafeal and a special screening at BAMPFA. In collaboration with Lyazzat...

Five Ferlinghetti Poems
SAN FRANCISCO, CA Barney Jones sets five poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti to song. From Far Rockaway of the Heart #21 published by New Directions in 1977 O heart Listen below to hear more recordings done with "Quivering Fringe” ...

The Sonic Prayer Flag Copy
NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Prospect 4: "Levee Stream" part of Prospect New Orleans. Houston arts Collective Otabenga Jones and the Kitchen Sisters team up for a day of close listening, unusual encounters , neighborhood revelation and food. Bayou Road was transformed early...

ADR and Foley
SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES Remote ADR and Foley recordings for the final episode of Mozart in the Jungle season 4 scheduled for release later this month. Mozart in the Jungle writer and executive producer Roman Coppola, directed the talent in this stunningly...

The Sonic Prayer Flag
NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Prospect 4: "Levee Stream" part of Prospect New Orleans. Houston arts Collective Otabenga Jones and the Kitchen Sisters team up for a day of close listening, unusual encounters , neighborhood revelation and food. Bayou Road was transformed early...